Determination of space group of incommensurate modulation structure phases in Bi high temperature superconductors Bi系高温超导体中非公度调制结构相的空间群测定
The effects of group velocity mismatch and dispersion, third-order nonlinear phase modulation on pulse shape, spectrum distribution and conversion efficiency of second-harmonic pulse were discussed. 详细讨论了群速度失配、群速度色散和三阶非线性相位调制效应对倍频光脉冲波形、光谱及转换效率的影响。
Starting from the precise pair-wise error probability ( PEP), the joint border of group coding signal error probability ( SEP) in differential unitary space – time ( DUST) modulation is deduced. 从精确成对错误概率(PEP)出发,推导得到了DUST调制群码符号误码率(SEP)的联合边界。
Your passport number isnt the same as that on the group list. Hybrid Radar Signal Composed Modulation of Linear Frequency and Barker Phase Coded Modulation 您的护照号码与团队名单不相符合。线性调频和巴克码组合调制雷达信号
The Balance Analysis of Signal-to-Noise Ratio for FM-SCM Fiber Transmission Using TV Group Modulation 关于电视群信号对光纤副载波调频传输中的信噪比平衡问题的分析
The requirements of group velocity dispersion for the existence of maximal modulation growth are obtained. 得到了最大调制增长率的存在对光纤色散的要求。
This paper expounds the group delay distortion problem existing in the single-channel IF modulation television transmitter and its negative influence on the pictures, and advances the correcting schemes and the alternative correcting circuits. 阐述了在单通道中频电视发射机中存在的群时延失真问题及其给图像带来的不良影响,提出了校正方案及可选择的校正电路。
The paper studied the dynamics performance of the general and the specific CPM dye laser, group velocity dispersion and self-phase modulation are compensated. 本文研究了普通的CPM环型染料激光器和棱镜补偿光脉冲的群速度弥散及自相位调制的CPM环型染料激光器的动态性能;
Results Compared with TNBS group, IFN-γ mRNA production in spleen were reduced in T. The signal modulation was adjusted first followed by amending the phase obtained. 结果:预先感染T.提出了对信号进行预先调制,随后再对所求得的相位进行修正的方法;
60 patients in the treatment group were treated with combined method of modulation and relaxation of muscle and 60 patients in the control group were administrated Flunarizine and treated with cervical vertebra traction. 治疗组60例采用调整肌松复合手法治疗,对照组60例予西比灵口服、颈椎牵引治疗。
The results obtained with the group model of earthquakes generated in tectonic blocks are further used in this paper to analyze the relationship between the M S ≥ 7.0 events in the Chinese mainland and the modulation and triggering from the earth tides. 本文应用构造块体成组孕震模型的研究结果,探讨了中国大陆MS≥7.0地震的成组活动和引潮力的调制触发关系。
Effects of group velocity dispersion ( GVD) induced chirp evolution and self phase modulation ( SPM) induced chirp evolution as well as the combined GVD and SPM induced chirp evolution in the normal dispersion regime of single mode fibers are studied. 对单模光纤正常色散区,群速度色散所致啁啾、自相位调制所致啁啾以及两者共同作用所致啁啾的演变过程进行了研究。
Our research group had made a practical sample of analyzer, MDA-1. Now more research and development for Modulation Domain Pulse Analyzer ( MDPA-1) which is higher capability than MDA-1 are going on. 本教研室在成功地研制出了第一代调制域分析仪实用化样机MDA-1的基础上,进一步开发和研制了性能更加完善的商业样机调制域脉冲分析仪MDPA-1。
The Group Delay Distortion in the IF Modulation Television Transmitter and Its Correction 中频调制电视发射机中的群时延失真及其校正
In the attracting song in male cricket, each single call ( SC) contains 7.6 beats in average, each contains two pulse series groups and each group contains four main amplitude-modulation pulse trains. 雄蟋招引声的每个单次叫声(SC)平均含有7.6个节拍,每个含有2个脉冲列组,每组含有4个主要的调幅脉冲列.每个SC的声长、间隔和平均重复周期(?)
Because the group velocity dispersion ( GVD) can be balanced by self phase modulation ( SPM) in soliton system, optical solitons maybe become the ideal message carrier in long distance communication. 由于在孤子系统中群速度色散和自相位调制效应可以相互抵消,因此孤子通信被认为是长距离传输的理想方式。
The issue on group velocity dispersion, self phase modulation, Kerr-lens mode-locking and self-starting of laser oscillator has been studied, and the compensation for astigmatic of cavity and for dispersion of self-mode-locked femtosecond Ti: Sapphire oscillator are also analyzed. 研究了飞秒脉冲激光器中的群速度色散、自相位调制、克尔透镜锁模以及锁模自启动问题;分析了自锁模飞秒Ti:Sapphire激光器的色散补偿与激光谐振腔的像散补偿问题;
Different from the existing wireless location technology, our study group proposed a new space-time modulation technique, which can be used to transmit microwave signal carrying 2-dimensional directional information. So the integrated system of communication and direc-tion-finding can be realized by using digital modulation theory. 区别于现有的无线定位技术,本课题研究小组提出了一种载有二维空间方向信息的时空调制技术,利用数字调制理论即可解决通信和测向的综合问题。
Pulse modulation uses a pulse sequence or a group of digital signal as the carrier wave, and sine wave modulation use high-frequency sin wave. 脉冲调制是用脉冲串或一组数字信号作为载波的调制方式,正弦波调制则是载波为高频正弦信号的调制方式。
Influences of group velocity dispersion and self-phase modulation induced by fiber nonlinearity on propagation of optical pulses with different shapes are discussed in detail. Conditions for soliton formation are analyzed, and the effect of fiber loss on soliton transmission is discussed. 2. 详细讨论了光纤中的群速度色散和由非线性效应引起的自相位调制对不同形状光脉冲的传输产生的影响;分析了光孤子形成的条件,并讨论了光纤损耗对孤子传输的影响。
In addition, we experimentally demonstrated equidirectional XGM slow light and analyzed the group delay variation with the modulation phase difference at different modulation frequencies. 此外,我们还对同向XMG慢光,以及群延迟随调制频率增加而减小的现象进行了实验研究。
Second, the paper studies unitary space-time demodulation and put forward a new group modulation technology, which aborts a little bit error rate for reducing complexity significantly. 然后研究了酉空时解调技术,并提出一种新的分组解调方法,该方法可以用比较小的误码率的损失换取了复杂度的大幅度降低。